Multifunctional Table “Fisherman’s Assistant” THf375
Product description:
- The bait board is helpful for savvy anglers and professional fishermen, as well as for beginners. It is designed to organize everything from tools to tackles in the limited space of the vessel and keep on hand the essential things while on water.
- The surface of the board is 28 x 38 cm. Eight neodymium magnets for ferrous metal items (knives, baits, scissors and others) are built in its center as well as holes for hanging tools and fixing carbines of retrievers.
- There are T-slots on three sides along the perimeter, in which mounts with a bottom T-bolts (T-Track adapters) can be installed. Such mounts allow for fixing various accessories directly on the board: for example, a CUp drink holder or an Lh130 flashlight holder.
- Parallel to the T-slots on the edges of the board the oblong holes for hanging PVC soft BORIKA FASTen® pouches for small tools and gear or other systems with straps are situated. So you can fix the MOLLE radio and GPS pouches.
- The round holes in the corners are designed for tying the TENDON elastic rope. Having crossed such ropes, the fisherman gets an option to fix boxes with gear and baits on the surface of the board.
- On this inner side of the board there are small holes for wobblers and other baits on hooks.
- The tilt position of the board can be adjusted in 27.7° increments and fixed by the knob nut included in the spline joint assembly.
- The accessory can be easily and securely fixed in any BORIKA FASTen® mounting system. Using conversion adapters it also can be fixed in mounting systems from other brands (SCOTTY®, RAM®, RAILBLAZA®, YakAttack®, etc.).
Materials: fiberglass-reinforced polyamide, A2 (AISI 304) stainless steel, neodymium magnets, brass.
In the package: a THf375 bait board.
Tips on using & installation:
- You can replace the adapter from the assembly with any other male to male adapter. It can be, for example, an SBa038 model with ball & socket joint, which provides the most flexible adjustment of the position in space. It is possible thanks to a UNIVERSAL Fs219 accessory mount, which comprises a female adapter. This mount is screwed to the back of the work surface of the board.
- The assembly can be easily supplemented with 27.7° side splines extenders and Dp230 adjusting washers for even more comfortable use.
- To expand the possibilities of storing baits and small tools use the THf375 together with the CUp drink holder. So you can hang more soft PVC pouches, because there are also oblong MOLLE holes around the diameter of the drink holder.
- Be sure not to have a compass anywhere near built-in magnets.
- To prolong the service life of the product, after using it in sea water, rinse it with plenty of fresh water.